Sebelumnya Riot telah mengatakan bakal memberikan mini buff terhadap 120 champion menjelang perubahan sistem Rune dan juga Mastery. Namun, bak seorang anak remaja yang sedikit labil, kini Riot kembali menambahkan list champion yang mendapatkan mini buff tersebut menjadi 137 champion sekaligus.
Berikut ini merupakan list buff dari setiap champion yang ada menjelang preseason nanti. Untuk bisa menemukan champion tertentu, kalian bisa menekan tombol pencarian dengan menekan “Ctrl+F” agar lebih mudah menemukan champion yang biasa kamu mainkan.
- Base AD increased from 60.376 to 68.38
- Base Armor increased from 24.384 to 33.38
- Blood Thirst / Blood Price (W) damage increased from 45/80/115/150/185 to 50/85/120/155/190
- Blades of Torment (E) damage increased from 70/110/150/190/230 to 75/115/155/195/235
- HP growth increased from 80 to 92
- Base HP increased from 514.4 to 526.4
- Base armor increased from 26.38 to 31.38
- HP growth increased from 85 to 90
- Base HP increased from 587.8 to 592.8
- Base Armor increased from 24.38 to 44.38
- Base AD increased from 53.384 to 61.38
- Base armor increased from 23.544 to 32.54
- HP growth increased from 70 to 82
- Base HP increased from 467.6 to 479.6
- HP growth increased from 76 to 88
- Base HP increased from 511.68 to 523.68
- Base AD increased from 56.508 to 64.51
- Base armor increased from 21.212 to 30.21
Aurelion Sol
- HP growth increased from 80 to 92
- Base HP increased from 550 to 562
- HP growth increased from 80 to 92
- Base HP increased from 540 to 552
- Conquering Sands (Q) damage lowered from 70/100/130/160/190 to 70/95/120/145/170
- Base armor increased from 25 to 34
- Base armor increased from 24.38 to 44.38
- HP growth increased from 76 to 88
- Base HP increased from 507.68 to 519.68
- Blaze (Passive)
- [New Effect] “If Brand kills an enemy while it is ablaze he regains mana.”
- Base armor increased from 26.72 to 46.72
- Stand Behind Me (W) base armor magic resist increased from 15/17.5/20/22.5/25 to 17.5/20/22.5/25/27.5
- Base AD increased from 53.66 to 61.66
- Base armor increased from 22.88 to 31.88
- Base AD increased from 60 to 68
- Base Armor increased from 26 to 35
- Tactical Sweep (W) damage increased from 65/95/125/155/185 to 70/100/130/160/190
- Hookshot (E) damage increased from 70/115/160/205/250 to 75/120/175/210/255
- HP growth increased from 75 to 87
- Base HP increased from 525 to 537
- Base AD increased from 61.156 to 69.16
- Base Armor increased from 28.88 to 37.88
- Base AD increased from 55 to 63
- Base armor increased from 23.38 to 32.38
- Phosphorous Bomb (Q) damage increased from 70/115/160/205/250 to 75/120/165/210/255
- Base AD increased from 56 to 64
- Base Armor increased from 30 to 39
- Base armor increased from 26.048 to 31.05
- HP growth increased from 90 to 95
- Base HP increased from 589.2 to 594.2
- Base AD increased from 55.8 to 63.8
- Base armor increased from 25.544 to 34.54
- Spinning Axe (Q) damage increased from 30/35/40/45/50 to 35/40/45/50/55
- Stand Aside (E) damage increased from 70/105/140/175/210 to 75/110/145/180/215
Dr. Mundo
- Base armor increased from 26.88 to 35.88
- Base armor increased from 27 to 32
- HP growth increased from 80 to 85
- Base HP increased from 580 to 585
- Z-Drive Resonance (Passive)
- [New Effect] “Damage is doubled against monsters.”
- Base armor increased from 22.128 to 27.13
- HP growth increased from 80 to 85
- Base HP increased from 529.4 to 534.4
- Base armor increased from 28 to 37
- Hate Spike (Q) mana increased from 40/45/50/55/60 to 55/60/65/70/75
- Base AD increased from 55.66 to 63.66
- Base armor increased from 21.88 to 30.88
- Arcane Shift (E) damage increased from 75/125/175/225/275 to 80/130/180/230/280
- Base armor increased from 20.88 to 29.88
- Base AD increased from 60 to 68
- Base armor increased from 24 to 33
- Lunge (Q) damage increased from 65/75/85/95/105 to 70/80/90/100/110
- HP growth increased from 86 to 98
- Base HP increased from 558.48 to 570.48
- HP growth increased from 100 to 112
- Base HP increased from 550 to 562
- Base AD increased from 56 to 64
- Base armor increased from 26 to 35
- Base AD increased from 57.88 to 65.88
- Base armor increased from 27.536 to 35.54
- Base AD increased from 51 to 59
- Base armor increased from 23 to 32
- Mega Gnar Base AD increased from 57 to 65
- Mega Gnar Base armor increased from 26.5 to 35.5
- Base armor increased from 26.05 to 35.05
- Base AD increased from 60.83 to 68.83
- Base armor increased from 24.376 to 33.38
- End of the Line (Q)
- Initial damage increased from 40/55/70/85/100 to 45/60/75/90/105
- Detonation damage increased from 80/110/140/170/200 to 85/115/145/175/205
- Base AD increased from 58 to 66
- Base armor increased from 26.72 to 35.72
- Rampage (Q) damage increased from 50/85/120/155/190 to 55/90/125/160/195
- Devastating Charge (E)
- Minimum damage increased from 40/75/110/145/180 to 45/80/115/150/185
- Maximum damage increased from 80/150/220/290/360 to 90/160/230/300/370
- HP growth increased from 75 to 87
- Base HP increased from 476 to 488
- Base AD increased from 60 to 68
- Base Armor increased from 26 to 35
- Base AD increased from 61.544 to 69.54
- Base armor increased from 25.3 to 34.3
- Base armor increased from 22 to 27
- HP growth increased from 90 to 95
- Base HP increased from 580 to 585
- Base armor increased from 19.384 to 28.38
Jarvan IV
- Base AD increased from 55.712 to 63.71
- Base armor increased from 29 to 38
- Dragon Strike (Q) damage increased from 70/115/160/205/250 to 80/125/170/215/260
- Base AD increased from 61.97 to 69.97
- Base armor increased from 27.04 to 36.04
- Leap Strike (Q) damage increased from 70/110/150/190/230 to 80/120/160/200/240
- Counter Strike (E) minimum damage increased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 55/80/105/130/155
- Base AD increased 50.78 to 58.38
- Base armor increased from 22.38 to 27.38
- HP growth increased 90 to 95
- Base HP increased from 571.2 to 576.2
- To The Skies (Q Hammer) damage increased from 35/70/105/140/175 to 40/75/110/145/180
- Shock Blast (Q Cannon) damage increased from 70/120/170/220/270 to 75/125/175/225/275
- Base AD increased from 53 to 61
- Base armor increased from 20 to 29
- Base AD increased from 58.46 to 66.46
- Base armor increased from 22.88 to 31.88
- Base AD increased from 63 to 71
- Base armor increased from 19.012 to 28.01
- HP growth increased from 83 to 95
- Base HP increased from 522.44 to 534.44
- HP growth increased from 75 to 87
- Base HP increased from 516 to 528
- HP growth increased from 78 to 90
- Base HP increased from 564.04 to 576.04
- HP growth increased from 82 to 94
- Base HP increased from 590 to 602
- HP growth increased from 93 to 105
- Base HP increased from 574.24 to 586.24
- Base AD increased from 60 to 68
- Base armor increased from 29 to 38
- Reaping Slash (Q) damage increased from 55/75/95/115/135 to 60/80/100/120/140
- Blade’s Reach (W) damage increased from 80/125/170/215/260 to 85/130/175/220/265
- Base armor increased from 24.3 to 29.3
- HP growth increased from 79 to 84
- Base HP increased from 535.72 to 540.72
- Base AD increased from 55.21 to 63.21
- Base armor increased from 27 to 36
- Taste Their Fear (Q) damage increased from 60/85/110/135/160 to 65/90/115/140/165
- Void Spike (W) damage increased from 80/110/140/170/200 to 85/115/145/175/205
- Base AD increased from 57 to 65
- Base armor increased from 20 to 29
- Dance of Arrows (Q) damage increased from 55/75/95/115/135 60/80/100/120/140
- Mounting Dread (E) bonus damage increased from 60/80/100/120/140 to 65/85/105/125/145
- Base AD increased from 55 to 63
- Base armor increased from 26 to 35
- Beartrap on a Rope (Q mounted) beartrap damage increased from 25/50/75/100/125 to 30/55/80/105/130
- Pocket Pistol (Q Dismounted) damage increased from 30/45/60/75/90 to 35/50/65/80/95
- Violent Tendencies (W) bonus damage increased from 20/30/40/50/60 to 25/35/45/55/65
- Jousting (E) damage increased from 20/45/70/95/120 to 25/50/75/100/125
- Base AD increased from 57.46 to 65.46
- Base armor increased from 19.88 to 28.88
- HP Growth increased from 80 to 92
- Base HP increased from 516 to 528
Lee Sin
- Base AD increased from 61.176 to 69.18
- Base armor increased from 24.216 to 33.22
- Sonic Wave (Q1) damage increased from 50/80/110/140/170 to 55/85/115/145/175
- Tempest (E1) damage increased from 60/95/130/165/200 to 65/100/135/170/205
- HP growth increased from 75 to 87
- Base HP increased from 506.12 to 518.12
- Base AD increased from 57.46 to 65.46
- Base armor increased from 24.04 to 33.04
- Piercing Light (Q) damage increased from 80/115/150/185/220 to 85/120/155/190/225
- Base armor increased from 19.216 to 28.22
- HP Growth increased from 79 to 91
- Base HP increased from 477.72 to 489.72
- Base armor increased from 28.3 to 37.3
- HP Growth increased from 75 to 87
- Base HP increased from 525 to 537
- Base armor increased from 30 to 39
Master Yi
- Base AD increased from 60.04 to 68.04
- Base armor increased from 24.04 to 33.04
Miss Fortune
- Base AD increased from 46 to 54
- Base armor increased from 24.04 to 33.04
- Base armor increased from 20 to 25
- HP growth increased from 73 to 78
- Base HP increased from 525 to 530
- HP growth increased from 86 to 98
- Base HP increased from 547.48 to 559.48
- Base armor increased from 19.72 to 28.72
- Base AD increased from 59.18 to 67.18
- Base armor increased from 24.88 to 33.88
- Base AD increased from 57.544 to 65.54
- Base armor increased from 26.46 to 35.46
- Base armor increased from 22.88 to 27.88
- HP growth increased from 80 to 85
- Base HP increased from 540 to 545
- Base AD increased from 59.208 to 67.21
- Base armor increased from 26.88 to 35.88
- Duskbringer (Q) damage increased from 60/105/150/195/240 to 65/110/155/200/245
- Base AD increased from 59 to 67
- Base armor increased from 23 to 28
- HP growth increased from 85 to 90
- Base HP increased from 535 to 540
- Base AD lowered from 59.98 to 57.98
- Base armor increased from 26.04 to 35.04
- Undertow (Q) damage increased from 70/115/160/205/250 to 80/125/170/215/260
- HP Growth increased from 79 to 91
- Base HP increased from 517.72 to 529.72
- Base AD increased from 59.72 to 67.72
- Base armor increased from 24.04 to 33.04
- Base damage increased from 55.572 to 63.57
- Base armor increased from 27.652 to 36.65
- Spear Shot (Q) damage increased from 65/105/145/185/225 to 75/110/155/195/235
- Heartseeker Strike (E) damage 80/130/180/230/280 to 100/150/200/150/300
- Base AD increased from 56 to 64
- Base armor increased from 29 to 38
- Hammer Shock (Q) damage increased from 35/55/75/95/115 to 40/60/80/100/120
- Heroic Charge (E) damage increased from 50/70/90/110/130 to 55/75/95/115/135
- Base AD increased from 54.46 to 62.46
- Base armor increased from 23.38 to 32.38
- Base AD increased from 62 to 70
- Base armor increased from 24 to 36
- Base armor increased from 31.384 to 40.38
- Defensive Ball Curl (W)
- Bonus armor gain changed from 20 (+50/55/60/65/70% total armor) to 20 (+50/60/70/80/90% total armor)
- Bonus magic resist gain changed from 20 (+50/55/60/65/70% total MR) to 10 (+25/30/35/40/45% total MR).
- Base AD increased from 57.5 to 65.5
- Base Armor increased from 24 to 33
- Queen’s Wrath (Q Unburrowed) damage increased from 15/20/25/30/35 to 20/25/30/35/40
- Unburrow (W Burrowed) damage increased from 50/65/80/95/110 to 55/70/85/100/115
- Furious Bite (E Unburrowed) damage increased from 50/60/70/80/90 to 55/65/75/85/95
- Base AD increased from 58.328 to 66.33
- Base armor increased from 25.584 to 34.58
- Cull The Meek (Q)
- Damage increased from 60/90/120/150/180 to 65/95/125/155/185
- Enhanced damage increased from 90/135/180/225/270 to 95/140/185/230/275
- Slice / Dice (E)
- damage increased from 30/60/90/120/150 to 40/70/100/130/160
- enhanced damage increased from 45/90/135/180/225 to 55/100/145/190/235
- Base AD increased from 60 to 68
- Base armor increased from 25 to 34
- Savagery (Q) damage per strike increased from 25/45/65/85/105 to 30/50/70/90/110
- Bola Strike (E) damage increased from 50/95/140/185/230 to 55/100/145/190/235
- Base AD increased from 56.04 to 64.04
- Base armor increased from 24.376 to 33.38
- Ki Burst (W) damage increased from 50/80/110/140/170 to 55/85/115/145/175
- Valor (E) shield value increased from 90/120/150/180/210 to 95/125/155/185/215
- Base armor increased from 25.88 to 30.88
- HP growth increased from 80 to 85
- Base HP increased from 584.4 to 589.4
- HP growth increased from 86 to 98
- Base HP increased from 558.48 to 570.48
- Base AD increased from 56 to 64
- Base armor increased from 27 to 36
- Base MR lowered from 32.1 to 27.1
- MR growth lowered from 1.25 to .75
- Armor growth lowered from 4 to 3
- Permafrost (E) damage lowered from 40/60/80/100/120 to 20/30/40/50/60
- Base AD increased 57.58 to 65.58
- Base armor increased from 24.88 to 29.88
- HP growth increased from 84 to 89
- Base HP increased from 582.12 to 587.12
- Two-Shiv Poison (E) damage increased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 55/80/105/130/155
- Base armor increased from 25 to 34
- Base AD increased from 60.712 to 68.71
- Base armor increased from 29 to 38
- Base armor increased from 27.88 to 36.88
- Base AD increased from 59.72 to 67.72
- Base armor increased from 23.04 to 32.04
- Base AD increased from 57.46 to 65.46
- Base armor increased from 22.21 to 31.21
- Base AD increased from 57.156 to 65.16
- Base armor increased from 29.384 to 38.38
- Base Armor increased from 20.544 to 29.54
- Base armor increased from 23.384 to 32.38
- HP Growth increased from 90 to 102
- Base HP increased from 516.04 to 528.04
- HP growth increased from 78 to 90
- Base HP increased from 511.04 to 523.04
Tahm Kench
- Base armor increased from 27 to 47
- HP growth increased from 75 to 87
- Base HP increased from 520 to 532
- Base AD increased from 60 to 68
- Base armor increased from 26.88 to 31.88
- HP growth increased from 90 to 95
- Noxian Diplomacy (Q) damage increased from 60/85/110/135/160 to 65/90/115/140/165
- Rake (W) return damage increased from 60/85/110/135/160 to 70/95/120/145/170
- Base armor increased from 25 to 45
- Dazzle (E) damage increased from 100/145/190/235/280 to 105/150/195/240/285
- Base AD increased from 49.54 to 57.54
- HP growth increased from 82 to 94
- Base HP increased from 515.76 to 527.76
- Base AD increased from 47.696 to 55.7
- Base armor increased from 16 to 28
- Base AD increased from 56.96 to 64.96
- Base armor increased from 22 to 31
- Explosive Change (E) damage increased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 55/80/105/130/155
- Base AD increased from 60.04 to 68.04
- Base armor increased from 27.536 to 36.54
- Base AD increased from 61.376 to 69.38
- Base armor increased from 24.108 to 33.11
- Spinning Slash (E) damage increased from 70/100/130/160/190 to 80/110/140/170/200
Twisted Fate
- HP growth increased from 82 to 94
- Base HP increased from 521.76 to 533.76
- Base AD increased from 55.46 to 63.46
- Base armor increased from 23.04 to 32.04
- Base AD increased from 58.286 to 66.29
- Base armor increased from 25.47 to 34.47
- Base AD increased from 55 to 63
- Base armor increased from 30 to 39
- Base AD increased from 54.66 to 62.66
- Base armor increased from 23.212 to 32.21
- Hail of Arrows (E) damage increased from 65/100/135/170/205 to 70/105/140/175/210
- Base AD increased from 55.88 to 63.88
- Base armor increased from 19.012 to 28.01
- Condemn (E) damage increased from 45/80/115/150/185 to 50/85/120/155/190
- HP growth increased from 82 to 94
- Base HP increased from 492.76 to 504.76
- HP growth increased from 76 to 88
- Base HP increased from 507.68 to 519.68
- Base AD increased from 55.88 to 63.88
- Base armor increased from 25.88 to 34.88
- HP Growth increased from 78 to 90
- Base HP increased from 516.04 to 528.04
- HP growth increased from 84 to 96
- Base HP increased from 525 to 537
- Base AD increased from 59.544 to 67.54
- Base armor increased from 26.38 to 35.38
- Base AD increased from 58 to 66
- Base armor increased from 24.04 to 33.04
- Base AD increased from 59.876 to 67.88
- Base armor increased from 24.88 to 33.88
- Nimbus Strike (E) damage increased from 60/105/150/195/240 to 65/110/155/200/245
- Base AD increased from 56 to 64
- Base armor increased from 24 to 33
- Double Daggers (Q) damage increased from 40/60/80/100/120 to 45/65/85/105/125
- Bladecaller (E) damage increased from 50/60/70/80/90 to 55/65/75/85/95
- HP growth increased from 80 to 92
- Base HP increased from 514.4 to 526.4
Xin Zhao
- Base AD increased from 57.544 to 65.54
- Base armor increased from 25.88 to 34.88
- Three Talon Strike (Q) damage increased from 15/20/25/30/35 to 20/25/30/35/40
- Crescent Guard (R) damage increased from 75/175/275 to 80/180/280
- Base AD increased from 55.376 to 55.38
- Base armor increased from 24.712 to 29.71
- HP growth increased from 82 to 87
- Base AD increased from 57 to 65
- Base armor increased from 30 to 39
- Base armor increased from 24 to 33
- Base AD increased from 54.712 to 62.71
- Base armor increased from 26.88 to 31.88
- HP growth increased from 80 to 85
- Base HP increased from 579.4 to 584.4
- Razor Shuriken (Q)
- damage icreased from 70/105/140/175/210 to 80/115/150/185/220
- secondary damage increased from 42/63/84/105/126 to 45/66/87/108/129
- Shadow Slash (E) damage increased from 65/90/115/140/165 to 70/95/120/145/170
- HP growth increased from 80 to 92
- Base HP increased from 524.4 to 536.4
- Base armor increased from 19.134 to 28.13
- Base armor increased from 20.04 to 29.04
Terdapat sedikit perbedaan pada buff yang diberikan di list 137 Champion ini dengan list saat 120 Champion yang lalu. Contohnya Aatrox, pada list buff sebelumnya Aatrox hanya mendapatkan sedikit peningkatan damage pada skill W dan E-nya saja. Tapi pada list buff terbaru ini selain mendapat peningkatan damage pada kedua skill tersebut, Aatrox juga mendapat peningkatan pada base AD dan base Armor miliknya. list yang lama dapat kalian lihat di sini.
Perlu kamu ketahui bahwa jumlah seluruh champion yang ada di dalam League of Legends berada pada angka 138. Dengan tambahan 137 buff pada champion tersebut, berarti terdapat satu champion tersisa yang belum mendapatkan perubahan. Champion tersebut adalah Leona.
Sebelumnya, Leona juga termasuk dalam 18 champion yang tak mendapatkan buff. Namun, setelah adanya sedikit perubahan, sedikit aneh ketika melihat namanya kembali tak tercantum di sana. Entah antara mereka lupa memasukkan nama Leona, atau mungkin Riot memang sudah menganggap bahwa Leona merupakan champion yang paling balance, baik di patch kali ini, maupun pada preseason nanti.
Seluruh buff ini masi dalam tahap uji coba dalam server PBE sampai akhir season 7, dan baru akan kita rasakan saat memasukin preseason. Champion dan status yang di buff dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu selama masih dalam tahap uji coba tersebut.
Untuk kalian para main Leona diharapkan untuk bersabar dan tidak membuat kerusuhan di Summoner’s Rift hanya karena masalah buff ini. Karena bisa saja nama Leona akan muncul saat update Patch berikutnya atau bahkan lebih cepat.
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